Population: 14,855 Elevation: 4,334'
Another state, another time zone. Actually, not a new time zone, it's just that Arizona does not observe daylight savings time and New Mexico does.
This is not a scenic RV Resort. It's an RV resort because it has a pool. That seems to be the only criteria for calling an RV park a resort. I would call it a parking lot.
There is supposed to be a big windstorm coming on Tuesday and that is supposed to be a travel day for us. We are trying to change the arrival date in Van Horn, Texas to Monday instead of Tuesday to beat the storm. So far, there isn't much to see in Deming so it won't be a big upset.
The only real upset is the time zones. Yesterday we were in Mountain Standard Time (Arizona), today we are in Mountain Daylight Savings Time, and if we leave early, tomorrow we will be in Central Daylight Savings Time. It's kind of like jet lag with the clock changing 2 hours in 3 days.
Here are a couple of pictures of the New Mexico landscape.
Actually, I don't remember if the rest area where I took those pictures was in Arizona or New Mexico. It was on the border though so both states look alike anyway.
We just crossed the Continental Divide so now we are on the way downhill to Texas.
That brings up something we noticed on Highway 10. New Mexico (and Arizona) like their tourist traps. They have billboards for miles and miles. The first one was for The Thing. They are trying to be mysterious and hinting at aliens and dinosaurs. I think they are trying to feed off of Roswell, NM where the flying saucer supposedly crashed, even though it is in the wrong state. The next one with over 100 billboards was for the Continental Divide. There is not really much you can do with the continental divide theme but sell t-shirts and other junk. The last one was for PistachioLand. Arizona grows a lot of pecans so I guess New Mexico grows a lot of pistachios. I don't think it's worth 100 billboards though.