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Grand Island, NY

We are making headway going west. We are on the New York and Canada border. Canada is just on the other side of the Niagra River.

This park is not the greatest, as you can see. It is a little more than a gravel and grass parking lot. If you have kids, they have a lot to do. I can see the top of a roller coaster that is at a closed down amusement park. I didn't see any signs for it and Google Maps doesn't even have a name for it.

This part of New York is not as scenic as the Appalachian part. We passed Utica, Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo. None of these cities are on anyone's vacation destination list.

Tomorrow will be a rest and chore day. I need a haircut, the truck needs a wash, and the truck needs gas. We only got 7.9mpg today. We drove most of the way with a big head wind. In fact, it is still blowing. I had to strap down the awning.

There is a Niagra Falls tour right from the park. We will probably take the tour instead of driving ourselves. They will take us to the Cave of Winds and a trip on the Maid of the Mist boat. They will also take us to other places near the falls. Just not to Canada. The border is still closed.

In other news, I tried to take a picture of fireflies, but it is hard. I will upload the one picture that I think has some fireflies in it.

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