Hanover is on the border of Maine and Vermont. We will be staying here for 2 nights so that leaves only one day for playing around. We will try to sneak in a covered bridge before it starts raining.
The park is all dirt roads and is very dusty. I am not fond of it because it is hilly, which can be a problem for the trailer. Brie doesn't like it because it doesn't have a dog park. Porter doesn't care.
Our next few stops will be short too, 3 nights, 2 nights, 4 nights, and 3 nights. We won't get much rest until the middle of June.
We weighed the truck and trailer yesterday. The truck, when it is loaded for a travel day weighs 8,840lbs. The trailer weighs 17,180lbs. We are at the limit of what the truck is rated to tow. We could lose a couple hundred pounds by getting rid of all the dog toys in the living room and get rid of all the hair that Brie sheds.