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Jefferson, OH

We are in Jefferson, OH. I know you don't know anything about Jefferson.

The park is a great park. It is one of the better ones in Thousand Trails. The sites are large, the roads are wide and don't have too many pot holes. The view from the other side of the trailer is better.

We took a drive today. It turns out that Ohio really likes covered bridges. Some are old wooden bridges and some are brand new and look like someone put a shed over a river.

We are almost on Lake Erie. Away from the lake, it is very rural with farms and woods covering the landscape. Not a lot of towns and the woods aren't big enough to call a forest. The coast of Lake Erie is very touristy. Not Myrtle Beach commercial touristy, but a lot of tourist shops and restaurants. Here are some pics of the lake.

Fireflies are everywhere in the grass and trees. I tried to take a picture of them, but it is really hard. I ended up with dark pictures of trees and grass. None of the fireflies showed up. I will try again tonight.

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