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Kerrville, Week 1


We've been in Kerrville for a week now.

This is a picture in the RV park. This spot is in the Executive section, which means no kids are allowed. Unfortunately, that little island in the lake is off limits to dogs so Brie isn't allowed either. Here is what it looks like as a watercolor painting. Photoshop did the watercolor effect and did a good job. I would put that on my wall (if I had wall space for pictures, which I don't, yet).

We were out running errands and stopped a little cafe for lunch called "Rails, a Cafe at the Depot". It's an expensive place. I had a chicken and mushroom quesadilla and Jan had an orzo salad and the bill was $42. We didn't even have beer or wine. After lunch we went to the little dessert shop next to it and got lemon cupcakes. The Depot is an historic building from the 1880's. The section we sat it was from 1915. Here is the little plaque on the wall.

Other than that, we haven't really been doing much but staying at home and doing chores. We bought some fabric paint and I will re-paint Brie's bike trailer. The red has faded to a light pink. I am waiting for the wind to die down a little. We also bought some gray fabric paint because we bought these 2 outdoor chairs and we thought they were the same color but they have faded to different colors. One is gray and one is green.

House News

Our lot now looks like it has a house on it. All the walls are in and it has a roof. The next step is to shingle the roof. After that, they start calling in the subcontractors to rough in the plumbing, electrical, and HVAC. If you zoom in on the red sign, you can see that our address will be 108 Pink Clover Ct. Don't try looking for it in Apple Maps or Google Maps. They don't have the new streets in yet.

If you want to see the satellite view of the lot, search for W Stargazer Lilly Bend, Conroe TX. Stargazer is a circular road with 2 cul-de-saqs on the right hand side and on the left is a little offshoot road with a cul-de-saq at the end. Our house is on the middle cul-de-saq. I took a screen shot and drew a yellow triangle where our lot is.

All those trees in the middle island are now completed homes.

Beer News

I brewed a batch of Northwest Pale Ale so I have 2 batches fermenting. The pale ale is not foaming up like it should so after I finish writing this, I need to go add a little more yeast to it.

We have a white board and I usually keep track of what beers I have in bottles. It is also a magnetic board so we also keep park information pinned up on the same board. This means that my writing sometimes gets smugged or erased. When that happens, I have to drink mystery beer. Yesterday, I opened a mystery beer and had to guess what it was based on taste. I guessed Oktoberfest. I think I was right because I went back in my calendar and found that the last time I used plain, white caps was with the Oktoberfest.


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