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Kerrville, Week 3

We started the week with a road trip.

We went south along the Medina River to Bandera. The road out of Kerrville was twisty and hilly but it was very scenic too. We stopped in Bandera and went to the Bandera Ale Project. The woman in the picture is wearing a tail. The beer was ok, nothing special.

RV Park

Why did the turtle cross the road? I haven't come up with a good punchline for that yet. Brie found a turtle crossing the road again. We ran into a turtle in the road back in Arkansas. This turtle hid from Brie and after we walked away, it ran to the edge of the bridge and plopped in to the lake. It was not a graceful dive, it was a plop. In the first picture, you can see a line of white concrete, that's the bridge over the lake.


We took a trip to Fredericksburg too. It's an old town that was founded in 1846. At that time it was mostly ranching and cattle. Now, it's all about wine. This is the big Texas wine region. Here are some pictures from the town. There are more on the Texas Photo page.

If anyone needs a cowhide rug or a Texas longhorn skull, we know where you can get them in bulk.

We stopped at Cross Mountain Vineyards for a wine tasting. This particular place had Italian wines. Jan had a wine tasting of several wines and I had a sangria. Here is the tasting room.

After that, we wandered around some more and ended up at the Fredericks Brewing Company Brewery. I had a flight and the pale ale, red ale, and blonde ale were the best.

Fredericksburg is home to the Texas Exotic Animal Association. It's strange to be driving around the countryside and seeing zebras, ibex's, impalas and other safari animals out in the fields. It's legal to hunt exotic animals if they have been raised here in Texas.

It is also the childhood home of Admiral Nimitz so there are several museums to him and the Pacific War. They needed something to break up all the cowboy stuff around town.

House News:

The house has a roof now. They sent us pictures, but you can't really see the roof. If you zoom in, you can see shingles at the roof line.

Trailer News:

Way back on June, 30, we pulled in to Austin with a flat tire. I had cracked a rim. I ordered a new rim the next day. Guess what? They just now called to tell me the rim has arrived. Unfortunately, it's back in Austin. They shipped it to me, here in Kerrville, but it won't be here until sometime next week.

Beer News:

I bottled the batch of wheat beer. I got 5 20oz bottles and one growler out of the batch. I tasted the pale ale batch, but it isn't ready to bottle yet.

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