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Kimball, MI (Lake Huron)

We made it to Michigan. It was not easy. This is our third Great Lake (Lake Superior, Lake Erie, and now Lake Huron).

We passed the birthplace of President James Garfield and the Presidential Library of Rutherford B. Hayes. Ohio is popular with presidents. Cleveland was an easy city to drive through, but that was that last easy thing about the drive.

It was going to be a long drive anyway, but once we hit Toledo, things went bad. There was construction all the way between Toledo and Detroit. This was the worst stretch of construction since Colorodo (which is still the worst we have seen). Porter decided he needed to pee after Toledo. There was a sign for the Michigan Welcome Center only 9 miles away. No problem, until the construction started. It took us almost a half an hour to go those 9 miles. Porter didn't make it. He peed a little on the seat. He peed even more when we got to the Welcome Center.

It was supposed to take us 5 hours to drive, but with all the construction, it took us a little over 6 hours. The RV park also has construction on the street outside. It is now a one way street. When we leave the park, we have to make a big detour to get back to the park.

Normally, the truck gives me a 500 mile notice before it runs out of DEF (diesel exhaust fluid). This time it let me know with only 100 miles. We were only 75 miles from the RV park so I thought I could make it. I didn't take into account the fact that I was towing. We had gotten off the freeway and still had 9 miles left of surface streets when I ran out of DEF. It was not too big of a problem, My speed was capped at 65 mph. I was on surface streets going 45 so that was not a problem.

When we finally got to the park and got set up, I noticed that one of the trailer tires has a split in it. I can see the steel belts inside it. I need a new tire. Walmart carries that brand so I was able to order a new one that will be delivered on Wednesday. We leave on Thursday. I hope it gets here on time.

Once we got to the park, we found out that this park is a big destination park for people wanting to get out of Detroit for the weekend. If you look closely at the picture above, you will see people walking, golf carts, and kids riding banana bikes. I had to drive real slowly to not run over any kids. Little kids don't seem to care that large trucks and trailers share the same road as them. This is the most crowded park we have stayed at so far and that includes an RV Park next to Disney World. Today is Sunday and the park has emptied out. I guess most people were only here for the weekend.

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