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Mitchell, SD

I skipped the whole state of Minnesota. You didn't miss anything.

This is our view in South Dakota. That truck has a bunch of used up fireworks. They must have had a great show. Brie is glad we missed it. We only heard about 3 big blasts in Minnesota and we had to hold Brie until she stopped shaking. She might have had a heart attack with a whole truck load of bangs.

Jackson, Minnesota is the middle of nowhere. The closest other town is Spirit Lake. Other than that, there is nothing to look at in Jackson except corn, beans, and sugar beets, miles and miles of them. We still aren't past the farms, as you see in the picture, but they are now spread out with prairie between them.

Speaking of the prairie, we passed the birth place of Laura Ingles Wilder. It must be a big deal, it has 2 billboards announcing it.

We also passed the George McGovern Museum. What fun.

Here in Mitchell, we have the Corn Palace to look forward. It is a big deal here in South Dakota. It is famous for the corn murals (made out of corn and about corn).

It's hot today, 100º. It's supposed to be cooler tomorrow. I hope so.

In Beer News, I finished the last of the Over Inflated Tire Amber home-brew. I still have one bottle of Salty Dog Gose and one bottle of Breakfast Stout. There are about 7 bottles of Blackeye Bock so I am not empty yet. When we get to Mt Rushmore, I plan on making a new batch of Northwest Pale Ale. Then when we get to Cody, I will make another batch of Bavarian Hefeweizen.

In Picture News, there is only one picture from our stay in Minnesota. I did not want to take a picture of corn fields so there is only a picture of the view from the trailer at the trailer park. South Dakota will be better. We plan on trips to Mt Rushmore, the Crazy Horse Monument and whatever else we can find in the Black Hills.

In Itenerary News, I couldn't get the Shingle Springs reservation so I made a 30 day reservation at the CalExpo RV Park. It's not the most exciting place, but it is pretty central to everything. After a month in Sacramento, we start traveling again. We have reservations at Yosemite for 2 weeks and then at a Thousand Trails park in Modesto. We need to plan more after that.

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