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North Bend, Part 2

This is our last day in North Bend. We leave tomorrow for Crescent City.

Back in Eugene, I took the truck in for an oil change and specifically asked them to check the brakes. They said they were fine with 60% left. On the way here to the coast, the brakes started squealing. Great. This was on a Sunday and Monday was Labor Day so today was the only day I could take the truck in to be looked at. Les Schwab took the tires off and gave the brakes a full inspection. The rear brakes are fine with 60% pad left. The front brakes are almost to the metal. Oops. Kendall GMC missed that. They are still okay. They only get noisy when the brakes are hot. The guy at Les Schwab said to get it fixed when we get back to Texas. I think we will make it to Sacramento. We will get the truck brakes, the trailer brakes, the truck shocks, and new tires for the truck. That will be a fun trip.

We took a trip down the coast to Bandon on Monday. We saw more wildlife on that drive than we did on the boat trip up the Big Horn Canyon. The first animals we saw were whales spouting. We watched a couple of pods of whales make their way south. I did not get a picture of the whales because I did not bring my telephoto lens. Later, up the coast, we saw some rocks out in the ocean covered in sea lions and seals. I did take pictures of them.

Zoom in on the picture and the lower rocks are covered in sea lions. For more pictures go to the Oregon Photo page.

Our next stop is California. At least temporarily. At some point in the near future, we need to go back to Bend and get the pantry installed. We may not get to Sacramento on September 17 like the plan says. We will see.

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