We've spent a week here on the shores of Lake Livingston.
That's a crane hunting for fish or frogs or pollywogs. It's standing in Turtle Creek. The creek is a protected area for turtles (of course). You can't see any in this picture but they are there. When you walk over the bridge, you look for little triangles sticking out of the water, those are turtle noses and there are a lot. When you first step on the bridge, the turtles all swim down to the bottom. If you stay there for a few minutes, they come back up. They usually come back in large amounts. They sell turtle food in the store and the turtles expect to be fed.
Biology fact of the day. Cranes and herons (and egrets) look a lot alike. Egrets are herons so you just have to know which is which. The difference between cranes and herons is the neck. Cranes have an S shaped neck (see the picture) and herons have a straight neck. There, you just learned something.
We went for a drive around Lake Livingston one day. We were at the northern end of the lake going through a town called Trinity when, all of a sudden, there was a big statue on the side of the road. It looks like someone made a large bust of Pinhead from Hellraiser. I didn't take this picture, I stole if from the web.
To make it even scarier, the eyes glow red at night.
I read up on it, and it is not a tribute to the movie. It is called the Trinity Wildman. It is based on a leather suit the artist saw in Germany. Crazy people used to put on a leather suit that had wooden spikes sticking out of it and then go wrestle a bear. That's what they considered entertainment in medieval times.
Our RV site has these little yellow wildflowers growing all around it.
They are pretty, but I looked them and and they are called Bitter Sneezeweed. Needless to say, our allergies have been acting up.
It gets really dark here at night. You can see a smudge of the Milky Way from here. If we were a little farther away from Houston, we could see it better. I took this photo with my phone. I will try again with my camera and see if I can get a better picture. I'm looking at this picture on my laptop and it just looks like a smear of color with some stars. When I look at it on my phone, it is smaller and you can see the dark band of galactic dust going up through the middle much better. If you are reading this on a computer, go read it on your phone.
House News:
No real news yet. A guy named Kyle was in charge of building our house but they moved him to another group of houses. Brady is now in charge. He emailed us to let us know that they put in an electrical plug above the fireplace for the TV. It was always supposed to be there, but they forgot it. We got a new picture of the house, but it looks exactly like the last picture so I won't add it here. Brady is a young guy and this is probably his first house project. We hope this means he will go slower. We have an RV space in Yuma paid for through March and we don't want to waste that. Kyle was probably going to be done in February, we want Brady to drag it out past March.
Beer News:
The beer situation here around the lake is dire. The grocery stores only carry national brands. If you want good beer, you have to hunt for it. I have been surviving on my beer, Founders All Day IPA (which Walmart carries), and an Octoberfest beer 6-pack I found at the grocery store. There are no breweries around Lake Livingston, you have to go 40 miles back to Conroe to find one. Conroe is the town just north of the new house.