It's happened again. Our hot water heater is not working. This time the error message says that the outflow thermostat is not working. I called a mobile RV Repair guy and he said he has parts for it. If it comes to that, I have a spare water heater too. To top it off, there is a gale warning today. It rained in the morning and now it is dry, but the wind is blowing about 20mph.
That's Lake Michigan. The waves are breaking over the breakwater and light house. That's a short light house on the tip of the breakwater.
Yesterday was a much nicer day. We took the dogs and drove to Mackinaw City. It is on the tip of Michigan on the straits between Lake Huron and Lake Michigan. It is famous for the Mackinaw Bridge. It's also famous for the ferries out to the different islands in the straits. Mackinaw City is a tourist town and proud of it. It is one of the few tourist towns we've seen where they make sure there is parking for everyone. Finding a dog friendly place for lunch was impossible so we had burgers at a Dairy Queen.
The first picture is Lake Michigan through the trees. The second picture is the Tunnel Of Trees Scenic Road. The bridge is the Mackinaw Bridge. The island I Mackinac Island where you have to take a ferry and cars are not allowed.
That picture of the scenic road is deceptive. It was a nice drive for the first 15 miles, but the last 15 miles were terrible. It was still scenic, but the road was solid potholes.
Housekeeping Notes:
I added a new set of buttons on the home page. The menu is not working for me on my laptop and my tablet. It works for my phone though. There are buttons to go to all the pages. I need to figure out why it stopped working, so until then, use the buttons.