It's been so hot lately that we haven't really left the trailer except to run errands and go to one wine tasting.

As you can see, the smoke came back. If you look at the picture from the last blog, the sky is a nice shade of blue. Now it's a gross shade of tan/orange. I didn't do any retouching to the picture above. The sun was really the same color as the Love's sign at the bottom. The weird line in the sun is the layer of smoke, I think. The sun disappeared about 5 minutes later and you couldn't see it through the smoke.
Here is a picture of the hills behind the RV Park. You can see them disappear behind the trees. If you zoom in on the background, you can kind of see the mountains on the left side of the trees.

Our one little excursion took us out into the farmland looking for a u-pick blueberry farm. We didn't find it, but we did find the Great Northwest Hops Forest.

There are miles of these things mixed in with wine grapes. The lady who cut Jan's hair said they will start picking them soon. I should have picked some for my beer, but they probably would have shot me for hops rustling.
I don't know if anyone from Blue Shield still reads this. I get notifications that someone from Rancho Cordova is reading this, so maybe. Anyway, I thought of you guys when I saw this:

This is one of the tasting rooms here in Prosser. It wasn't open yet so I don't know how good Ryan's wine is.
Our morning dog walks takes us next to a cow pasture. Brie likes cows. I have to hold her back because she wants to go play with them. She doesn't bark at them, she does her little bouncing thing where she crouches down with her butt in the air and kind of bounces on her front paws. The fence is put together badly and Brie could easily get under it.

Website news: I fixed the problem with the menu. A header column was moved up and that layered it over the menu. It looked like you were clicking on the menu, but you were actually clicking on a blank column. I moved the column down off the menu and that worked. Then I deleted the menu in the middle of the home page. The page looks normal now.
Beer News: My wheat beer is fermenting nicely. I am using the high temperature Kvieck yeast. In the day time it gets up to 100º, and over night, it gets down to 88º. It should be ready by Tuesday. I will taste it then and decide if I should bottle it or take it to the next stop and bottle it on Thursday. After I bottle this one, I won't be brewing until we get to Sacramento. Once we get to the coast, it won't be hot enough to use the kvieck yeast.
Wine news: We went to a tasting of Delmanico Cellars. The description of the 2 red wines say you should put them into a decanter for an hour to breathe before serving. They served us straight from the bottle. They should give us straws to blow bubbles to aerate them. They were ok, but not great. Another one of the wines they gave us was a dry muscat. Normally, muscats are sweet, but this one isn't. He said that they only made 2 barrels back in 2018. I think they haven't sold any and gave it to us to get rid of it.