We are in the Poconos. They call them mountains but they are really just rolling hills.
As you can tell by the picture, it is a cold and rainy day. We missed most of the hard rain and just got sprinkles on the way north.
So far it is a toss up on which state has the worst roads. I would pick New Jersey because most roads are bumpy and all bridges and overpasses are terrible. Pennsylvania may win just because of Philidelphia. Not only were the roads all bad (bridges and overpasses are better than New Jersey though) it was stop and go in Philly. It is Saturday and you would think the traffic would be good, but it was stop and go for the whole time we were on I-76.
Pennsylvania is a pretty state once you leave the cities. I remember that from when I lived in Harrisburg. The weather is not that great though.
The resort is nice from what we've seen so far. More info later.