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Yuma, Part 4

This is my last post about Yuma because we have actually left Yuma and are in Mesa.

The rest of this post will be about Yuma. I will start the Mesa blog soon.

They had a Renaissance Fair at the RV Park. Some people went all out.

We went and had the free alcohol (bad punch, Fireball Whiskey, and cherry rum). There was free food too, but it wasn't that great. The next night was the Banquet. They had one food truck with BBQ chicken and a hot dog stand. The line for the BBQ chicken was 45 minutes long, so we had hot dogs, well Jan had a hot dot and I had a hamburger. There was also free wine and beer. The beer was Blue Moon so it was good. The wine was boxed Franzia's Chillable Red. I don't know how many people remember, but it was Ted's favorite.

The last road trip we took was to Lake Martinez. It was further out than the last lake we went too. The interesting part of the trip was going through the Army's Yuma Proving Grounds. There was a fair big of activity going on. We saw choppers hovering over the desert, Humvee's driving around, and planes taking off.

We saw this white blob just floating above the desert so we stopped and I used my telephoto lens to see what it was.

According to the sign, it is a Tethered Aerostatic Radar System. There are a line of them all along the border to watch for planes crossing the border.

Lake Martinez is a smallish lake. It is another reservoir on the Colorado River.

It is more built up than Lake Mittry. There are big rental houses and condos on the shore, but then right across the street from them are all the run down trailers and mobile homes.

Anyway, we liked staying in Yuma so we put in our deposit for next winter. We will stay there from December 1 to March 31. We saved a lot of money not driving around. Especially since gas just jumped up about 50 cents a gallon.

There are a lot more pictures of both the lake and the Renaissance Fair on the Arizona page.

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